Nixon Now….More than Ever

In eulogizing his friend, former Kansas senator Bob Dole best surmised Nixon’s legacy as a statesman when he said, “The second half of the twentieth century will be remembered as “The Age of Nixon.” In the three decades since his passing, the world has witnessed unprecedented turmoil; Nixon’s first-rate diplomatic skills and sage wisdom are needed more than at any time in history. With Israel’s existence in jeopardy due to increased aggrandizement by its enemies in the Middle East, Richard Nixon’s role in saving Israel from Soviet aggression following the Yom Kippur War should serve as the loadstar of America’s strategy for bringing peace and stability to the Middle East.

A Homerun for Wisconsin: Keep Professional Baseball in Wisconsin

This article explores efforts to keep the Brewers in Milwaukee through 2050. 

The McKinley Doctrine

Join the Pax Americana Institute in wishing the 25th President, William McKinley, a Happy Birthday by taking a look at his foreign policy accomplishments. 

Combat Effectiveness Traded for Inclusivity

Read the latest article from PAI where we take a look at the negative effects of inclusivity in the military.

Intelligence Forecast - Quarter Four

Check out the Pax Americana Institute’s latest intelligence forecast for the final weeks of 2020.

Strategic Space Initiative

Check out our goals for the future of space in our Strategic Space Initiative!

American Security of Space

As the world turns its eyes back to space, the United States must take action and safeguard the prospects that space exploration can hold for all of humanity

NATO is as Vital Today as It Was in 1949


On the 70th anniversary of the founding of the venerable institution, the Pax Americana Institute salutes NATO.

The threats the modern world faces are as real and present as ever, NATO remains relevant and vital to global stability.


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