Campaign Finance Reform and The Demise of Public Financing Christopher J. Schaefer, MA 10 June 2018 The Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1971, the 1974 amendments to the Federal Elections Campaign Act, and the landmark 1976 Supreme Court case Buckley v. Valeo...
Weekly Snapshot 17-23 June 2018 1. The Taliban is calling for negotiations to end US involvement in Afghanistan Sheikh Haibatullah Akhunzada has come out with a statement saying that the Afghans’ salvation lay in America and other occupying forces leaving and repeated...
Recommended Articles 17-23 June 2018 1. At Singapore Summit, North Korea Racked Up Wins PAI advisor Chuck Downs, writing in The Hill, writes on the diplomatic wins by North Korea during the summit in Singapore. North Korea’s radical past and seemingly...
Intelligence Forecast 15-30 June 2018 1. North Korea Could Roll Back on Summit Promises The summit held in Singapore between President Trump and Supreme leader Kim Jong-Un came with both praise and criticism. Most critics referenced the summit as the legitimization of...
Weekly Snapshot 3-9 June 2018 1. Russia fighting back on US sanctions On May 31st the Russian Federation Council has passed a new bill as a way to fight back against US sanctions. The bill, if signed into law by President Putin, would allow the President of Russia to...