Suggested Articles
19-25 August 2018
1. Russia Open to Talks with US on Strategic Weapons
Jacqueline Thomsen of The Hill provides feedback on the recent statements from Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov about the country being open to talks about strategic weaponry. The openness to discourse stems from Russia’s development of new nuclear weapons and missiles which Vladimir Putin initiated after the Helsinki Summit. The Pax Americana Institute and Midwestern conservatives recognize the danger in Russia’s recent actions. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Soviet-era mindset is cause for concern to the United States and the world and should be closely monitored by classical conservatives everywhere.
2. The Turkish Hostage Crisis
Editor for The National Review, Rich Lowry, writes about the detainment of American Christian Pastor Andrew Brunson in Turkey. Brunson has been detained in Turkey since October of 2016 on the basis that he committed “dire crimes” against the Turkish state which include supporting a foreign terrorist organization. None of Bronson’s crimes have been proven with substantive evidence. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been fairly blunt about the situation in alluding to the fact that he is detaining Brunson only until Fethullah Gulen is returned to Turkey. Turkeys hostage taking poses an issue not just for the United States but also the other NATO countries affected by Erdogan’s irrational Islamic fundamentalist authoritarianism. Classical conservatives and followers of the Pax Americana Institute recognize that Turkish foreign and domestic policy does not mesh with the western world and maintaining them as a NATO ally makes condemning their actions a predicament all its own.
3. Horrifying details released in the investigation of ‘extremist Muslim’ compound that allegedly conducted school-shooting training
Fox News reporter Matt Richardson covers the latest details on the extremist Islamic training site found in New Mexico which was allegedly being used to train children how to carry out school shootings and other heinous acts. Abdul-ghani Wahhaj, one of the children taken hostage at the camp, was killed during an exorcism type ceremony carried out by Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, the man in charge of the site’s operations. Though located in New Mexico, this situation is cause for concern across the United States and even in the Midwest. Midwestern conservatives cannot afford to turn a blind eye to radical Islam, as was described in PAI’s article Terrorism Hits Wisconsin.
4. Editorial: China to Buy American Manufacturer?
The Editors of The Weekly Standard provide analysis and prediction of the current situation surrounding American piano manufacturing company Steinway. The Poly Group of China is looking at acquiring the company and adding it to its long list of holding in “defense manufacturing, real estate, and the arts.” The selling of this historically American company poses an ideological issue as well and an economic one. Ideologically, the selling of a distinct manufacturing business shows a possible “moving on” in the American industrial realm. Economically the issues start to pile up from the ability to produce wealth to the fact that China’s economy is held up on a government-owned business model which manipulates the currency in order to produce false outcomes. The more companies which are acquired by Chinese ownership, the deeper the United States gets pulled into their false economy. The Pax Americana Institute and classical conservatives in the Midwest understand the issues posed with this possible purchase and those like it.