Suggested Articles
6-12 January 2019
1. Marco Rubio: Will we shape societal trends, or be helplessly shaped by them?

Florida Senator Marco Rubio comments on the issues Americans face in society today and how those living in the United States can shape a prosperous American future. Senator Rubio explains that conservatives must fight to keep conservatism relevant in today’s turbulent times. Conservatives need to continue protecting the values which the founders of the United States held in such high regard. The deterioration of society, led by left, can be defeated. The Pax Americana Institute and its readers understand that upholding classical conservative pillars is necessary to ensure America remains the world’s beacon of liberty.
2. Enabling Criminal Aliens
Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clark writes about the recent murder of California Police Corporal, Ronil Singh, and the policies which enabled his killer. The illegal immigrant who murdered Corporal Singh had displayed behavior which should have been reported to ICE but instead was not reported because of sanctuary laws. Due to California’s absurd laws, which prevent local law enforcement from communicating with federal agencies, killers and criminals who cross the nation’s border illegally are allowed free reign. Classical conservatives in the American Midwest, though seemingly distant from border issues, must continue to undertake the challenges of protecting the US from dangerous criminals who enter our nation illegally.
3. Loose Canons: The Most Successful Cover Up
The American Spectator’s Jed Babbin explores the cover-up surrounding the Nunes memo, which shows that the FBI and Justice Department worked with the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign. Crimes in the political world, as explained by Babbin, only matter if the cover-up fails. The FBI and Justice Department deliberately released their intelligence in a manner to throw off investigating parties, leaving out important details like those surrounding the Hillary Clinton Campaigns purchase of the Steele dossier. The Pax Americana Institute and conservatives across the Midwest continue to search for truth in an age where truth is so easily discarded for political sides.
4. There’s nothing progressive about a multipolar world
Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute covers the issues surrounding “multipolar” world. Today’s American political left, especially prominent during the Obama administration’s years, embraced the idea of a multipolar world with claims it would keep everyone safe and prosperous based on mutual dependence. China, Russia, Turkey, and Iran all seek regional dominance, completely disregarding the values of liberty and justice upheld in the world by the United States. Conservative followers of PAI recognize the extreme threats posed by a multipolar world, understanding that belligerent nations like Russia and Iran care for little more than to expand their influences.