Monthly Book Recommendation: February 2019

Monthly Book Recommendation: February 2019

Monthly Book Recommendation: February 2019 Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville (audiobook link available here) Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville, is a book of two parts written in 1835 and 1840. Together, they evaluate the (then-young) American...
Intelligence Forecast: February 2019

Intelligence Forecast: February 2019

Intelligence Forecast February 2018 1. The Future of the Mexico-U.S. Border Security Lasting 35 days, the government shutdown is finally over for now, but unfortunately, nothing was gained for the national security of the United States. The current temporary funding...
Weekly Snapshot: 27 January – 2 February 2019

Weekly Snapshot: 27 January – 2 February 2019

Weekly Snapshot27 January – 2 February 1. The INF treaty is dead After the United States’ formal withdrawal from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty last week, Russia followed suit. The United States’ stringent adherence to the INF treaty has limited...

Suggested Articles: 27 January – 2 February 2019

Suggested Articles 27 January – 2 February 2019 1. Arms control deja vu Pax Americana Institute advisors Ambassador Hank Cooper and Dan Gallington review the Trump administration’s Missile Defense Review and new missile strategies. The policies are likened to...
Policy Issues: Reasons Against a Gas Tax

Policy Issues: Reasons Against a Gas Tax

The Impacts of a Gas Tax in the Midwest A gas tax has been one of the most unpopular means of taxing the individual since Congress passed the Revenue Act of 1932 allowing for the collection of a tax per gallon of fuel purchased. The concept of a gas tax has made news...